

The most recent follow-up on Liu Xiaobo that I tweeted was "Unnamed Zhai Chen 翻譯公司" he said: "Many unconscionable things, the truth of which have slowly surfaced," "Just know After Liu Xiaobo cursed the four celebrities, how did they go to Liu Zhafu's house and cried for help? Liu reluctantly excused Liu Xiaobo 翻譯公司 we can see that this' smart 'speculators is how character.'
Chen said not "starting point." I found "author gpib" people can not be too lazy, criticizing the public figures Liu Xiaobo materials (evidence of enhanced version) '2010-10-17 18:39:25'. Its "2" is "Some senior members of the Democratic Movement Liu speculatio

Liu Xiaobo's "starting point"   刘晓波的“起点”
- Gu Xiaojunist:"First Impartiality emperor" talk •  3578
I have been dissatisfied with the nine articles on Liu Xiaobo in my "China Democratic movement." I have finally decided to rewrite it today. This article counts the first.
The most recent follow-up on Liu Xiaobo that I tweeted was "Unnamed Zhai Chen 翻譯公司" he said: "Many unconscionable things, the truth of which have slowly surfaced," "Just know After Liu Xiaobo cursed the four celebrities 翻譯公司 how did they go to Liu Zhafu's house and cried for help? Liu reluctantly excused Liu Xiaobo, we can see that this' smart 'speculators is how character.'
Chen said not "starting point." I found "author gpib" people can not be too lazy, criticizing the public figures Liu Xiaobo materials (evidence of enhanced version) '2010-10-17 18:39:25'. Its "2" is "Some senior members of the Democratic Movement Liu speculation for fame and fortune 翻譯公司 unscrupulous repentance repentance is quite criticized."
Further down, it is "misappropriating other people's ideas and gaining one's own fame and wealth": "In a literary symposium in 1986 翻譯公司 Xiaobo made his debut with 'The Crisis in Literature in the New Period', and his university classmate Xu Jingya put his speech Published in 翻譯公司 this was a hit 翻譯公司 won the 'literary dark horse' title. Next, a reference to Xu Xing:
"Under the big tree at the entrance of the Affiliated Hospital of Beijing University, Liu Xiaobo leaned on my tricycle handlebar and I sat on the tricycle. This time we talked about literature. , My friend inserted a few words from time to time without delay in selling the magazine. At that time, I was very emotional about the evaluation of Chinese contemporary literature and used the words "when a bitch stands up for a wedding card" and some words of extreme negation. "
"He was thrilled to be able to tell me again at a seminar that he did a 'shaken' speech and said when to show me that I have never had a chance to see until now See 翻譯公司 and I bought a magazine to see friends, he told me: fuck! Ah really outrageous 翻譯公司 do not buy magazine that day you told him those words? Almost intact "and so on.
This does not blame Liu Xiaobo, only blame Xu Xing did not mind. "5" is the "Gao Guo incident", saying "Allegiance of the parties by comparing the consistency of the text and the time of publication" to the open letter of Mr. Ioger, President of the International Olympic Committee, "copied his own text and deleted Gao Guo Name, and involved in a lawsuit 翻譯公司 but there are also different opinions from Liu Road, said the doctor will not copy primary school students. "
This is Liu Lu's wrong. Liu Xiaobo's "I Have No Enemy" and "Charter 08" are all plagiarism. I have proved: "Liu Xiaobo ... only Lu Xun's' Ismism 'and are both' used '-' I do not have an enemy 'Is' take' Mandela; and Mandela, 'take' Richelieu 'Charter 08' is to take 'Zhang' ancestors; and Zhang Zuhua, 'take' Czechoslovakia Havel's '17 Charter. '
I am afraid to chaos "take", have to respect anyone's writing. Sanmei said in "Liu Xiaobo Live to Work, Death to Regret": "Liu Xiaobo first made his name by criticizing a group of celebrities such as Liu Zaifu, Li Zehou 翻譯公司 Fang Lizhi and Liu Bingyan, and later Liu Xiaobo went to him for approval Your fame and fortune house has, I have nothing, can only do so. "
I found evidence for Sanmei - Huang Xiang said in the "I Promounced" Independent Chinese Writer PEN Center: "Li Yong recalled Liu Xiaofu's repeated criticism of Liu Zaifu at a literary symposium. However 翻譯公司 it is said that the next morning 翻譯公司 The same is Liu Xiaobo, an anti-his fierce in the General Assembly, but took the initiative to go there Liu Zaifu repeatedly explained to Liu Zaifu why he did so at the meeting.
What follows is: "Liu Xiaobo attributes his reason for such radicalism to the fact that he is not as accomplished as Liu Zaifu they did 翻譯公司 that they have to live in houses, what they want, and that they are just poor students who have nothing at all. The meaning of a little does not make anti-retrorse ".
Then went on: "In order to avoid mistakes in memory, after Li came to the United States, he once again verified with Liu in Colorado. Did Liu Xiaobo say so then? Liu replied: 'There are indeed things that are true.' . Gu Xiaojun I think that this is Liu Zaifu wrong. I am 13 years old to be criticized 翻譯公司 who did not complain.
Liu Zebo approved Li Zehou, it will not start. First 翻譯公司 Liu Xiaobo wrote The Critique of Choice - Dialogue with Li Zehou; and second, Zhong Ning said in Liu Xiaobo and Qian Zhongshu that "because in the heat of the 1980s 翻譯公司 Li Zehou was the hottest." Again, Xu Xing's "I know Liu Xiaobo" also has a paragraph, I want to be used for other articles.
In Fang Lizhi, there is a party of "Oslo Diary": two Norwegian television reporter came to the hotel interview. Some of the questions and answers are: Q: "Do you know Liu Xiaobo?" "What is the relationship?" "He criticized me." "Oh ...". "Liu Xiaobo in the 1980s is known as the" dark horse, "or" black donkey, "because he has almost criticized (or cursed) all who he knows and does not know."
In the summer of 1988 翻譯公司 two young men of CCQ and Liu Xiaobo broke into my hometown of Li and Peking University 翻譯公司 where C and Liu Jiezhi did not intersect with Li and my physics major 翻譯公司 and both C and Liu were neither Northeast nor Li or my The common topic is not much.Happy, my philosophy is a tool of physics, was just published, Liu picked up a look.
"He just replied doctoral dissertation is aesthetics, is a philosophy .Perhaps he is not familiar with ... ... is attracted 翻譯公司 concentrate on reading, no longer speak .C only chat with us ... Before leaving, Liu a sentence: Oh 翻譯公司 Philosophy is best used only as a tool for you, it is useful to use it 翻譯公司 throw it away when finished, I can say in my class (critique?) .After the words, pick up a 'tool', turned away 翻譯公司 so far also".
"At the end of the fall, I turned around again, 'dark horse':" I think he is not a young mentor, and I do not like his self-styled words. "What is his qualifications! '(Hong Kong Liberation Monthly 1988 Fortunately 翻譯公司 here is not a statement 翻譯公司 there is a conditional sentence: 'He wants to be self-styled ... ...'. Check my CV or bio, too late to 'self-styled' on the 'young mentor', only the Department of Physics Tutor".
Liu Bin Yan, nor start. First, Liu Bin-yan authored "Out of Fantasy (Part Four) - Tiananmen Square in the Eyes of Liu Xiaobo." Second, I found that Liu Zaifu 翻譯公司 Li Zehou 翻譯公司 Fang Lizhi, and Liu Bingyan all envy Liu Xiaobo and Qian Zhongshu. Is this considered old disrespect? For the old disrespect, nature will teach bad children. Liu Zaifu, Li Zehou, Fang Lizhi, Liu Bingyan, should first review their own.
I Gu Xiaojun, the more you know about Liu Xiaobo, the more you feel ashamed. I will not turn my face I do not know people 翻譯公司 two will not lie, three will not plagiarism or plagiarism ... Why dream Nobel Peace Prize, Literature Award? I am really cheeky, mean dirty.
Gu Xiaojun 2017-11-17 Nanjing,China
Translator: God Has eyes
Community Impartiality First
Brain revolution
Gu Xiaojun novelette (1)
Populist democratic
Overthrow Lu Xun
Gu Xiaojun novelette (3)
Gu Xiaojun novelette (2)
  我一向对我的《中国民运》中 翻譯九篇关于刘晓波的文章不满意(写一篇替下另外一篇的事,已干了几回),今天终于决定全部重写 翻譯社本篇算第一篇。
  在我推特上翻到的最近 翻譯关于刘晓波的跟推是“未名斋 陈让”的,他说:“许多不合情理的事,其真相,漸漸都浮出……”、“只要知道当年刘晓波骂完四位名人后,又是若何跑到刘再复家聲淚俱下跪求刘再复原谅,便可知刘晓波这个‘聪明’ 翻譯投机分子是若何的品性了”。
  陈让说的不是“起点”。我搜刮到“作者gpib‘人不能太懒,对公众人物刘晓波批评材料的清算(证据加强版)’2010-10-17 18:39:25”。其“2”是“一些资深民运人士对于刘为了名利而投机,不择手段,反悔忏悔又反悔颇有诟病”。
  再往下,是“盗用别人 翻譯設法主意,博取自己 翻譯名利”:“86年,在一次文学讨论会上,晓波以‘新时期文学面临危机’首次表態。他的大学同学徐敬亚把他的讲话发表在〈深圳青年报〉上,就此一炮走红,赢得了‘文坛黑马’的称号” 翻譯社接下来,是引用徐星 翻譯
  “在北医附属医院门口的大树下,刘小波扶着我的三轮车把,我坐在三轮车上,这一次我们谈了文学,当时何新评我小说的文章有点小热闹,我们由此谈起,我的同夥在不耽误卖杂志 翻譯情况下不时地插几句,当时我对中国当代文学的评价極度情绪化,用了‘当婊子立牌樓’和一些极端否認的一类话”。
  “再下一次见面他很激动地告诉我他在一个什么讨论会上做了一个‘震了’的发言,说是什么时候拿给我看看,我一向也没机会看到,直到现在也没看到,和我一起买杂志 翻譯朋友看到了,他告我:操!丫真不像话,不就买杂志那天你跟他说那些话吗?几乎原封没动”等。
  这不怪刘晓波,只能怪徐星没心眼 翻譯社“5”是“删高郭事務”,说“当事人高寒称通过对比文本的一致性和发布的时间《致国际奥委会主席罗格師長教師 翻譯公开信》抄袭了本身 翻譯文字并删除高郭的名字,并卷入了一场訟事,但也有来自刘路的分歧意见称博士不会抄袭小学生”。
  这就是刘路的不对了。刘晓波 翻譯“我没有敌人”和“零八宪章”都是抄袭,我证明过:“刘晓波……只有鲁迅式的‘拿来主义’,且都是二次‘拿来’——‘我没有敌人’,是‘拿’曼德拉的;而曼德拉,是‘拿’黎塞留 翻譯 翻譯社‘零八宪章’,是‘拿’张祖桦的;而张祖桦,则是‘拿’捷克斯洛伐的哈维尔的‘七七宪章’” 翻譯社
  我不敢乱“拿”,得尊重任何人 翻譯文字。三妹在《刘晓波活得算计、死得遗憾》中说:“刘晓波最初是靠批判刘再复、李泽厚、方励之、刘宾雁等一批名人而扬名,事后刘晓波又去向他批过的人当面解释说,你们名利房子都有了,我什么都没有,只能这么做”。
  我给三妹找到了证据——黄翔在《我宣布退出“独立”中文作家笔会》之中道:“李劼回忆刘晓波曾在一次文学研讨会上当众挞伐刘再复,但据说第二天淩晨,同是这个刘晓波,一反他在大会上 翻譯劇烈,却主动跑到刘再复那里,幾回再三向刘再复解释他为什么在会上如斯作对”。
  接着是:“刘晓波把本身那么激进的緣由,归结为他不象刘再复他们那样已经大功告成,要住房有住房,要什么有什么,而自己只是一个一无所有的穷学生,生存处境相当困难云云。听上去有点不造反行么的意思” 翻譯社

。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯

  再接着是:“为了避免记忆 翻譯失误,李劼来到美国后曾当面再次在科罗拉多同刘再复核实,问刘晓波当时是否是这样说的?刘再复回覆说:‘确有其事,也确有其言’”。我顾晓军以为,这就是刘再复的不对了。我13岁就挨批斗,也没怨过谁。
  于刘晓波批李泽厚,就不展开了。一是刘晓波著有《选择的批評——与李泽厚对话》,二是钟凝在《刘晓波与钱钟书》中说了“因为在80年月文化热中,李泽厚最热”。再,徐星的《我所认识 翻譯刘晓波》中也有段,我要用于其他文。
  于方励之,则有方的《奥斯陆日记》:挪威电视2台 翻譯记者来旅店访谈 翻譯社其中几句问答是,问:“你认识刘晓波吗?”“认识”“什么关系?”“他批評过我 翻譯社”“哦…”。“八十年月的刘晓波,人称是匹‘黑马’,也有称‘黑驴’的 翻譯社因为,他几乎批判过(或骂遍)所有他认识的和不认识的人” 翻譯社
  “1988年夏,CCQ和刘晓波二位年轻人闯进我和李在北大的家。C和刘皆治文学,同李和我的物理专业不訂交。C和刘皆东北人士,也非李或我 翻譯同乡。配合话题不多。幸虧,我的《哲学是物理学的東西》一书,当时刚刚出版,刘拿起一本就看” 翻譯社
  “他刚答辩过的博士论文是美学,属于哲学。可能他还不熟悉……被吸引住了,专心看书,没再说话。只有C同我们聊……临走,刘撂了一句:哦,哲学最多只配当你们 翻譯工具,有效就拿来,用完就扔掉 翻譯社我可要在我的课上讲(批評?) 翻譯社话毕,拿起一本‘東西’,转身就走,至今未还”。
  “秋末,再一转身,‘黑马’了:‘我认为他(指方励之)不是青年导师,他要自封 翻譯话,我也不喜欢。他有什么资格!’(香港《解放月报》1988年12月号)。还好,这里不滿是陈述句,有一句是条件句:‘他要自封的话……’。查我的CV或bio,还来不及‘自封’上‘青年导师’,只有物理系研究生导师”。
  于刘宾雁,也不展开了。一是刘宾雁著有《走出幻想(之四)──刘晓波眼中 翻譯天安门》,二是我发现刘再复、李泽厚、方励之、刘宾雁全都妒忌刘晓波,还有钱钟书。这算不算为老不尊?为老不尊,天然就教坏子孙。刘再复、李泽厚、方励之、刘宾雁,当先检讨自己 翻譯社
  我顾晓军,对刘晓波了解的越多、就越是心中惭愧 翻譯社我一不会翻脸不认人,二不会说谎,三不会抄袭或剽窃……凭什么梦想得诺贝尔和平奖、文学奖?我真 翻譯是厚颜无耻、鄙俚下賤之极。
              顾晓军 2017-11-17南京
Liu Xiaobo's "starting point"   刘晓波 翻譯“起点”

- Gu Xiaojunist:"First Impartiality emperor" talk •  3578
I have been dissatisfied with the nine articles on Liu Xiaobo in my "China Democratic movement." I have finally decided to rewrite it today. This article counts the first.

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